Friday, June 23, 2023





Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health is an important part of maintaining your youth. Although the natural ageing process cannot be stopped, there are things you can do to maintain your vitality and encourage a youthful lifestyle. Here are some pointers to aid you in maintaining your youth:

1. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Consume a well-balanced diet full of fresh produce, whole grains, lean meats, and good fats. Steer clear of too much sugar, processed meals, and bad fats. Make sure you're getting enough water to stay hydrated.

Ø Foods high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar should be avoided, while foods high in fibre, fruits, vegetables, and fish should be consumed more frequently to maintain a healthy body and protect your heart.

Ø Everyone in the family needs to eat healthily. A balanced diet that includes everything in moderation is the key. It is well recognized that a Mediterranean diet is cardio protective, meaning that it shields your heart and blood vessels. A Mediterranean diet is built on consuming a lot of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish in moderation while also minimizing stress and eating with family and friends. The basic tenets of the Mediterranean diet that can be followed for both heart and overall health are listed below.

10 tips for a healthy diet

1. Consist of three square meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) each day.

2. Eat smaller portions, particularly during dinner. Aim to raise your serving of vegetables to at least half the dinner plate when using a regular 9-inch plate.

3. Increase your fruit intake by keeping it in your car, handbag, and place of employment!

4. Limit your weekly intake of red meat to no more than three times.

5. Make an effort to eat more fish, particularly oily fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines.

6. Opt for low-fat dairy; limit your weekly cheese consumption to no more than two matchstick box sizes.

7. Eat less salt and refrain from using it in your food and at the table.

8. Refrain from using sugar in your food or drink.

9. Monitor your alcohol consumption and strive for two alcohol-free days per week.

2. Exercise Regularly: Maintain your body's fitness and agility by engaging in frequent physical activity. Cardiovascular, strength-training, and flexibility activities should all be included. Aim for two or more days of strength training each week coupled with at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense activity each week.

1. Exercise manages weight

2. Exercise prevents and treats illnesses

3. Exercise elevates mood.

4. Exercise increases vigour

5. Exercise helps you sleep better


3. Get Sufficient Sleep: Give your body the time it needs for restorative and rejuvenating sleep. Sleep for 7-9 hours each night, undisturbed. Create a cosy resting environment and establish a regular sleep schedule.

To improve your sleep:

1. Maintain a regular sleep routine.

2. Establish a setting conducive to sleep.

3. Create a bedtime ritual.

4. Avoid using electronics right before bed.

5. Ensure a relaxing setting for sleeping.

6. Steer clear of stimulants like nicotine and caffeine.

7. Go for a regular workout.

8. Use relaxation methods to reduce stress.

9. Only use your bed for intimacy and sleep.

10. Limit your calorie intake and drink intake before bed.

4. Manage Stress: The ageing process can be accelerated by ongoing stress. Include stress-reduction practises in your everyday routine, such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in activities you find enjoyable. Spend time relaxing and caring for yourself.

Here are some key points to manage stress:

1. Start inhaling deeply.

2. Take part in regular exercise.

3. Give leisure and self-care a priority.

4. Obtain enough sleep.

5. Keep a healthy lifestyle.

6. Utilise your time wisely.

7. Ask for assistance from others.8. Limit exposure to stressors.

9. Use meditation or mindfulness techniques.

10. If necessary, think about getting expert assistance.

5. Stay Mentally Active: Exercise your intellect through reading, solving puzzles, picking up new skills, or playing strategic games. Maintaining cognitive function and maintaining mental acuity through lifelong learning.

1. Get your brain working by reading, solving puzzles, picking up new skills, or playing games that require strategy.

2. Look for talks and conversations with intellectual content.

3. Remain open-minded and inquisitive, continually seeking out new information and experiences.

4. Put your brain to the test with puzzles or brainteasers.

5. Maintain your social connections and communicate with others in a meaningful way.

6. Use mindfulness or meditation to improve your concentration and mental clarity.

7. Adopt an optimistic outlook and a philosophy of lifelong learning.

8. Take pauses from technology and engage in mental-stimulating activities away from it.

9. Exercise regularly because it has been shown to enhance cognitive function.

10. Get enough sleep, as restful sleep promotes cognitive function and brain health.

6. Maintain Social Connections: Maintain strong bonds with your family, friends, and community by cultivating them. The benefits of social contact and a sense of community extend to general wellbeing and the risk of cognitive decline.

7. Protect Your Skin: By donning sunscreen, caps, and protective clothes, you can protect your skin from damaging UV radiation. Avoid spending too much time in the sun, especially during the day. Use moisturizers to hydrate your skin, and think about using antioxidant-containing products to fight free radicals.

1. Always use sunscreen with a high SPF, even on overcast days.

2. Seek shelter and minimise sun exposure, particularly in the afternoon.

3. When outside, put on protective clothes such caps and sunglasses.

4. Regularly moisturise to keep your skin hydrated.

5. Steer clear of tanning booths and extreme UV radiation.

6. Gently cleanse your skin without using abrasive scrubbers.

7. Avoid harsh chemicals and use skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type.

8. Drink enough water to maintain adequate hydration.

9. Include fruits, vegetables, and antioxidant-rich foods in a balanced diet.

10. Smoking and excessive alcohol use might hasten skin ageing.

8. Don't Smoke and Limit Alcohol Consumption: Smoking speeds up ageing and raises your risk for certain diseases. If you smoke, get help to stop. Avoid alcohol altogether or just consume it in moderation.

The main factor for liver damage is alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol. As a result, toxic compounds are produced that can injure or even kill liver cells. Although the liver is quite adept at healing itself, it is unable to keep up with the harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption on a daily basis. This may result in scarring that accumulates and causes cirrhosis.

Quitting smoking:

• increases quality of life, raises health status, lowers chance of premature death, and can extend life by up to 10 years.

It lowers the risk of a variety of harmful health outcomes, including as cancer, poor reproductive outcomes, cardiovascular disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

• helps those who have already been given a COPD or coronary heart disease diagnosis.

• enhances the health of expectant mothers, their foetuses, and their new-borns.

It lessens the financial toll that smoking takes on smokers, healthcare systems, and society as a whole.


9. Stay Hydrated: To keep your body hydrated, consume enough water throughout the day. Healthy skin, digestion, and overall biological functioning are supported by enough hydration.

1. Throughout the day, make sure you're getting enough water.

2. Keep a reusable water bottle on you as a reminder to hydrate.

3. Use hydration apps or set reminders to keep track of your water intake.

4. Hydrate yourself before, during, and after exercise.

5. Indulge in foods and drinks that are hydrating, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbal teas.

6. Limit or stay away from alcohol and sweetened beverages as they can cause dehydration.

7. Pay attention to your body's signals of thirst and hydrate yourself when you're thirsty.

8. Pay attention to the weather and drink more water when it's hot or muggy outside.

9. To make water more pleasurable, think about using a straw or infusing it with aromas like lemon or cucumber.

10. Keep an eye on the colour of your urine, aiming for a light yellow hue as a sign of enough hydration.


10. Maintain a Positive Attitude: Develop a grateful attitude and a positive outlook on life. Be in a positive environment and do things that make you happy and fulfilled.

1. Make an effort to be grateful by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life.

2. Surround yourself with uplifting and encouraging individuals.

3. Take part in pursuits that make you happy and fulfilled.

4. Reject negative ideas and think positive ones in their place.

5. Put your well-being first and practise self-care.

6. Find humour in situations and maintain a light-hearted approach.

7. Establish reasonable objectives and acknowledge your successes.

8. To stay present, engage in mindfulness or meditation.

9. Use affirmations and positive self-talk.

10. Give yourself respite from harmful influences, such as the news or social media.


Keep in mind that ageing is a natural process, and each person's journey is different. You may improve your general well-being and keep a youthful spirit by leading a healthy lifestyle and caring for your physical, mental, and emotional needs.

Monday, June 11, 2018


Before the first telephone had been invented by Joseph Bell, there were no other means to communicate from long distances except by telegraph or letters. This fact had set certain limits on the number of people one could contact at a distance; besides, communications were much slower than today. With the invention of the Internet, communicating with the whole world through a personal computer has become a reality. Social networking sites are one of the fast-growing media platforms allowing people to communicate and share information with others conveniently. Facebook is popular and its growth has been rapid around the world. However, as any phenomenon on the earth, this alternate universe also has its pros and cons. It is up to a person to decide if to log on and check it or remain indifferent and save the precious time for more worthy purposes.
On one side, Facebook is considered as relation joiner or connector because via this medium, a person can contact with his family and friends throughout the world and can easily access materialistic and non-materialistic information.


Facebook has helped to create a brand for many individuals and businesses. This is very important because as a business, you can sell or promote a product/service to a highly targeted audience, thus increasing the possibilities of making money on the internet. Moreover, it’s a major source of entertainment for people around the globe. Since Facebook is a global social networking site available in various parts of the world, location is not a barrier.


It is one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news and information. Major news usually goes viral on Facebook and we get awareness of national and international affairs easily.


As one is able to communicate with far-off friends. By being in touch with friends one feels good. Mood uplifts and one feels close to one’s loved ones. Moreover, it is also used for entertainment purpose because there are many funny clips and posts which switches the mood from unhappy to happy.


Mostly people join various educational pages and groups which are very beneficial for their study purposes and they can attain excessive knowledge and information via that particular arena.
On the flip side of a coin, excessive use of Facebook has some drawbacks which leads an individual towards darkness.
Facebook is full of fake profiles. There is no limit to these profiles. Most of them are created by stalkers or marketers looking to gain more friends and use it for their marketing purposes.
It's utility and popularity often masks its more psychologically damaging aspects, of which there seems to be four: addiction, social isolation, aggressiveness and depression.


People are becoming Facebook zombies and leaving all their personal and professional work aside. Some people do not just feel compelled to use Facebook, but their Facebook use has become so out of control that it interferes with work, studies, relationships and normal social functioning. This is the point when a habit turns into an addiction or a pathological disorder.
·      Spent a lot of time thinking about Facebook or planned use of Facebook
·      Used Facebook in order to forget about personal problems.
·      Used Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on your job/studies.
Facebook can be a serious threat to the productiveness of both students and employees. Studies by Nucleus Research indicate that an average of 1.5 percent of total office productivity is lost through employees accessing Facebook during working hours. Two-thirds of the participants in the study revealed that they access their Facebook accounts while at work, with 6 percent admitting that their entire Facebook profile was created at work.


It stops people to indulge in more creative and fulfilling activities.
      The more time we spend on the artificial social
world of Facebook, the more isolated we will become.

Conversation and social skills are being eroded by social media and smartphones. Users give priority to Facebook over their professional and personal responsibilities.
If someone is a Facebook zombie, then there’s a possibility that he/she would not care about his/her surroundings. The only thing a Facebook addict would be concerned about will be his/her virtual world. Such a person will only be curious to know who has written on their wall, commented on their pictures or commented on their status, etc. This type of behavior will gradually take them away from spending time with friends and family.


Facebook creates a false picture of reality in which users are bombarded by photos and updates which give them the impression that everyone is living a much better life than they are. Not many people share photos or information which puts their life in a negative light. Facebook stirs up such an intense feeling of envy and depression, the researchers argue, that it can negatively affect the life satisfaction of users; especially passive users. Some people might get aggressive because of abusive languages used on Facebook in comment sections. It leaves a bad impact on their emotions and they may become miffed and quarrel with others on small issues.
           It can lead to jealousy and a vicious cycle


The most dangerous negative effect of Facebook is that user’s personal data becomes public on this social networking website. This could pose a threat to the privacy of the users. So, it is highly recommended that users should not place their personal data on Facebook.


Being overweight is another harmful side effect of excessive Facebook usage. Sitting in front of the monitor all the time without any physical activities will eventually result in accumulation of all those extra pounds. And it’s a fact that being obese or overweight can dramatically increase the risk of developing many serious medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Furthermore, an individual spends the whole night on Facebook and chat in the groups can cause skin issues because improper sleep patterns can effect the hormones and the person may get dark circles, wrinkles etc. 


Facebook can negatively affect a teen’s and young adult’s education too. It has been proven that students who check their Facebook account often have poor academic performance compared to those who don't use the social media. This is actually not surprising as students who spend more time on Facebook would spend less time studying. What’s more, such students are reported to have the lowest rates of reading retention.

Facebook also increases the chances of online conflict. It is populated with immature people who create bizarre status, upload awkward pictures, and carry out illogical actions. And this can lead to conflicts with others.

On Facebook it is very easy for cyber bullies to thrive. They can harass and/or gang up on one person even easier than they could in a school environment. There aren't moderators that go around monitoring what people say to each other. Anything can be said. There are also a relatively small amount of parents that have Facebook accounts and keep up with their children's. More than once I've witnessed this form of bullying, whether it be about race, appearance, intelligence, etc.


Facebook communication, it is possible that one might end up building up relationships with strangers, who can turn out to be criminals as well. Teenagers are vulnerable and are easily susceptible to outside influences. Their lifestyles are changing and want to build up relationships with people who are very hi-fi in their outlook. In this process, they try to communicate with strangers who perhaps can be very harmful to them.


Husband/wife relationships might get threatened via this social-networking site. Male get impressed and involved with the girls having pretty profile pictures and can lose their relationships through this regard and vice versa, which is the chronic issue spreading like a virus in our society.


Nowadays, people are Facebook zombies and they spend hours in washrooms using Facebooks while sitting on English toilets. A recent study recorded that 90 percent of the people bring their phones into the bathroom. When we take our phones away, we get stressed, anxious and irritable. We get FOMO. 


Sitting in front of the computer and browsing through Facebook can lead to laziness and a person avoid all other activities which are mandatory for their household and the society. It is a sheer waste of time.


Many eye problems may arise via too much exposure to smartphones and computers. For instance blurry vision, reddish and irritable eyes, headaches etc. Teenagers must go out and spend time in outdoor activities and relish the fresh air, rather than remain glued to the computer.

Yes, now a days, people are becoming Facebook zombies which has a bad and ruining effect on their lives and lifestyles. They are very much indulged in social networking site, which parted them from their parents, siblings, friends and other real social lives. They also lack communication skills and does not have proper time schedule for their work, which is the crucial aspect of every phenomenon. All of the adverse impacts, mentioned above, are originated in those individuals, who are addicted of using Facebooks and it should be eradicated because it leaves the detrimental effects upon people. The important step is to decide how much time you want to spend on Facebook everyday. Gradually try to reduce the time you spend on Facebook. Remember, "the lesser time you spend, the better it will be." At the same time, try to give up Facebook for other activities or events.